November 20, 2011

A Heritage of Smallness: a shame in Filipino Culture

It all started when I saw my friend's video post in Facebook about Lourd deVeyra's mini documentary: The word of the Lourd. As I browse through his previous videos, I saw one episode entitled "A Heritage of Smallness".  As I got more engaged with this, I read our National artist: Nick Joaquin's essay. from there, I realized that we Filipinos truly think small and yes, I am not exempted from this way of thinking.

It is a shame that we do not adapt to customs, we do not embrace changes, and we hate to leave our comfort zone. Although yes, we work hard for our future, so hard that up to the point that we end up sweating blood (please don't interpret it literally). But sometimes, no matter how hard we work, the rewards are so small that we end up spending everything and still our savings are empty. Although, I am grateful that my work pays me well compared to others, but I only find it just enough for my own personal expenses and a few for my savings, but cannot suffice the luxuries that I want.

Yes, we think small. We have to admit that most of us fear big things, some of us fear big risks, fear big responsibilities, to the extent that we lose focus or interest in doing things that will greatly improve us. Sadly, when we fear big responsibilities, most of us Filipinos creates an amoeba-like thinking. We fear that when things get big, we lose our control over it. just like in our government, when a certain barangay goes big, we split them. If a province is too big, we split them and just add suffixes like Occidental and Oriental, delNorte and delSur instead of making them a big federation. Most of us fear to take risks and just settle for a sub-par business instead of making a big enterprises or corporations. I guess that's why they say that "fortune favors the bold." because big-time businessmen does bold decisions and takes risks for breakfast. But with all these, the worst part is that we fear big things. We fear that if something or someone is bigger than us, we tend to put them down or belittle them and this is where our crab mentality comes in.

It is just plain sad that for how many generations, this way of thinking is still present within us. I, myself is guilty of this, and probably what I can do is learn from my mistakes and become a better person and start to think BIG.

So what are you gonna do or have you done to overcome this heritage of smallness? Please leave a comment below.

Word of the Lourd: A heritage of smallness

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