Hi everyone! And welcome to my blog. Ok, before we continue, I will just make a disclaimer that this is a freehand blog. Means, I’m currently typing whatever is coming out of my mind at this very moment. So please don’t lecture me of my punctuations and my flaws in grammar because I’m not a Literature Major, heck! not even an English major! Just to let you know, I’m a Computer Science graduate, and back in college, we write in codes and in syntax just like this:
System.out.println(“Hello World!”); so to all grammar, spelling, etc., etc. critics and freaks, don’t bother posting/commenting that this-and-that is grammatically wrong (unless if you want to be flamed), though I welcome constructive criticisms with good tone pointing out some typo errors or like, the things I'm posting are or have incorrect information.
System.out.println(“Hello World!”); so to all grammar, spelling, etc., etc. critics and freaks, don’t bother posting/commenting that this-and-that is grammatically wrong (unless if you want to be flamed), though I welcome constructive criticisms with good tone pointing out some typo errors or like, the things I'm posting are or have incorrect information.
Now moving on, you might wonder why I named my blog as “The Black Sheep Wall”. Well, the phrase came from my fave game back in high school which is Star Craft wherein “black sheep wall” is a cheat code that allows the player to see/reveal the entire map (if you still don’t get it, keep in mind that Google is your best friend.). So likewise, my blog aims to discover and discuss new things that can be interesting to know. Also, I named it like this because I consider my blog as a “wall” (talking about Facebook) and I will be posting anything that my crazy mind wants to like spraying graffiti all over the place and me as the rebellious and independent “black sheep”. Oh, it’s not that I’m a “no good-@$$hole-son of a b*tch-mofo-douchebag”. Trust me I'm harmless and nice but I guess each of us have this thing of being naughty inside us.
So there you go, please continue to visit this wall for new posts. If you want to suggest for topics to be discussed, please leave a comment below.
Oh, before i forgot I'm also managing another site and kindly visit it regularly as well and also, follow me on Twitter!
photo from http://digestcach.info