May 13, 2012

My Super Mom

Today is Mother's Day. First thing I did when I arrived home was to hug and kiss my mom and greet her happy mother's day. I opened my laptop and checked Facebook and my news feed was flooded by posts of greetings and things about mother's day and how they loved their mother. I admit I am not showy when it comes to things like this to my mom but somehow, I make it a point not to forget occasions such as this.

My mom was a single mom. And it's sad to say that society wasn't that open-minded to single moms during the time that she brought me up. I know that my mom sacrificed a lot for me to a point that she gave up some of her happiness just to raise me. However, I haven't realized it until I was an adult but, I now understand what she did for me I am thankful for everything. I may not be able to level my efforts to her sacrifices but I aim to at least make her happy in every way that I can for the rest of her life.

April 30, 2012

Most Texters=Cheaters? Do texters have more tendency to lie?

 At some point in time, Philippines was dubbed as the text capital of the world, and we Filipinos send 1 Billion text messages in a day. I find it not hard to believe since even a person that falls below the poverty line has a cellphone, and even a student who always borrows a pen from his seat mate can still spare some amount to buy load for his mobile phone than to buy a pen.

Text messaging has taken the world by storm. In this digital age, compared to e-mail or voicemail, it is one mode of communication that can be easily distributed and be received. But this great advantage is also its disadvantage. Recent study says, that people trust text messages less compared to other  mediums of communication, and that lying can be easily done via text than in phone calls.

April 23, 2012

Hacktivism: The New Age of Uprising

Last week I mentioned that I will post series of infographics for you. So here's another treat to give you some cool information while having an eye candy.

Just yesterday when I was watching the news on TV, one of the headlines that got me interested was that a few hackers infiltrated several sites from China, including one of their government sites. according to the news, it all started when some Chinese hackers bugged the University of the Philippines' website and posted “Huangyan Island (Scarborough Shoal) is Ours!” just a few days ago and yesterday, some Pinoy hackers retaliated back and brought down several Chinese sites which include one of China's government sites.

April 14, 2012

I'm a Proud Gamer

It's been a while since I last posted a blog. Life has been busy for me this past few months, in work and in other stuff.

Lately, I was fond of reading articles and my favorite things to read over the net are Infographics.

According to Wikipedia Infographics or Information Graphics "are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education."

I will continue to share more of these on my future posts and since I am a gamer my first infographic is about playing computer games have beneficial effects. From improving the brain up to therapy treatments, according to research playing games helps us to be more creative as well as curing phobias and vision defects.
